Say You're With Me On This!

Working with clients is so much easier than designing for my own home!

When clients are incorperating a large television into a space
they describe what they want,
 and I usually mediate the age old function vs. style debate
to find a compromise they are both satisfied with.

I'd love to know how you make this work in your place - 
here, D. is the "techie" and I am the "enemy" (lol) !

D: I really want a projector for the family room.
Me: So. If we are moving the old tv into the den, we should be moving the old sofa with it...

D: How about leather?
Me: That's what I was thinking!
(happy dreams of new sofas commence)

D: Lets' get one of those giant leather reclining sofas!

Me: I was thinking two sofas, facing each other in front of the fireplace (symmetry! balance!)

1 2 3 4 5

D: Look - this one has cupholders! It's perfect!

Me: Um, what about something like this?

D: Maybe we could put them one behind the other.
We need to be seated directly in between the speakers.

Me: We might still want to be able to have a conversation here, right?

D: (slyly) But the screen is the focal point :)
Me: You know I do this for a living, right?!!

(pause while he considers my credentials :)

Me: How about a leather recliner for you, AND some really gorgeous sofas?
Ooh - maybe crushed velvet? SUMP-tuous!

Crate and Barrel had that lounge sofa...

Actually, there was a beautiful sofa on 1st dibs - perfection!
That would be so sumptuous...

D: Yes.... I need to go to La-Z-Boy.
Me : I need to go to Johnson's.

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