Yea or Nay: Collections

When it comes to accessories there are collectors and non-collectors.

Non- collectors are fairly obvious.
Their accessories are limited and reflect the current design scheme,
 because they are changed out to reflect the decor..
They do not easily feel sentimental attachment to inanimate objects which means
they live blissfully unencumbered by third grade essays and heirloom silver tea services.
Friends will help move them!

Collectors may be more difficult to spot...
but just because there isn't racks of silver spoons hanging around
doesn't mean that they don't have a stash somewhere!
(not that I would know anything about that :)
A large amount of these bits and bobs usually results in
them becoming being the focal point of the room.

Being the daughter of a serial collector
(Mum blames it on being a child of the depression but I know better,
she is a nurturer of lost souls! 
She "adopts" these things, brings them home and loves them.)
I have an aversion to clutter.

However, it seems that an alarming number of milk glass pieces have snuck into the house,
our art collection is cherished, and I'm hard pressed to let go of a book..
After recently watching three back to back episodes of hoarders
(have you seen this show? I was ASTOUNDED)
I was overcome by a compulsion to run down to the crawlspace and clean it all out!

There is a fine line between display and clutter.
homes without accessories are sometimes lacking in personality, no?
And if accessories are grouped and displayed artfully, they are enchanting.

So where is the balance?
What do you do in your home?

Live with what you love?

Invest in one or two exquisite pieces rather than several?

Display proudly?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Since I am the chief duster around here,
 I am going to try and limit my own collecting to art :)

(and maybe a few books!)

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